
Your donations to Kalamazoo Ringers make it possible for us to purchase music, maintain equipment, and even rent a U-Haul to move our bells and chimes between our rehearsal location and each concert venue. One of the more spectacular results of your generosity was the addition of our lowest octave of bass bells, equal in value to a really, really nice car.

We are a 501c3 non-profit organization, so we rely totally on donations from businesses and individuals to sustain our ability to bring educational, joy giving, and musically excellent concerts to the area. Would you consider joining our support family? Here are our levels of giving that we would love you to consider. Unless you would tell us differently, we would add your name to our concert programs and website as a kind donor to our mission. Feel free to give in honor or memory of a special person in your life.

Levels of Giving

Sponsor $1000 and above
Bronze $500-$999
Copper $250-$499
Tin $100-$249
Friend of KR $50-$99
Obviously, we would be honored by any gift you may be able to give.

Your donation is tax deductible and will be wholly used to support the work of the Kalamazoo Ringers. You will receive a receipt for your financial records.

Here’s how:

  • Make a donation via PayPal. You can do this using your PayPal account, or with a credit card. If you want to honor/remember someone special with your gift, or if you prefer not to have your name on our public list of donors, use the “Add a Note” option on the PayPal interface to let us know. Press the button and get started!

  • Send a check (payable to the Kalamazoo Ringers). If your address isn’t printed on your check, kindly include it so we can send your a receipt for your tax records. If you want to honor/remember someone special with your gift, or if you want to let us know that you prefer not to have your name on our public donor list, kindly enclose a note to let us know.

    Our address:
    Kalamazoo Ringers
    P.O. Box 19182
    Kalamazoo, Michigan 49019

Kalamazoo Ringers thanks those who support us with their contributions. You are the reason we can do what we do!

Kalamazoo Ringers Donor Wall 2023-2024

Sponsor – $1000+

  • Anonymous (2)
  • Tom & Jan Van Valey
  • Zhang Financial

Bronze $500+

  • Kathryn Heldreth

Copper $250+

  • DeMent and Marquardt, PLC
  • Patricia Dolan
  • Michael Northrup
  • Frank & Lois Plaver

Tin $100+

  • Barb Menlen
  • Ken Schneider
  • Laura Van Vlack

Friend of KR $50+

  • Wendy Asmus
  • Robert Davis
  • Layla Jabboori
  • Arthur Kidney
  • Elizabeth Roelofs
  • Barbara Sanborn