
Kalamazoo Ringers has the distinction of being one of the longest-running community handbell ensembles in the USA. We’ve performed music on our instrument since 1981. Our audiences love to see and hear our concerts, and some of the best ringers in West Michigan have chosen us as a big part of their musical life.

Maintaining a group such as Kalamazoo Ringers requires time and energy. The ensemble practices and performs for hundreds of hours each year. However, you don’t see the work individual members do at home between rehearsals and the emails and messages they exchange as they determine how to conquer the challenges in their music.

Then there’s acquisition of music to play, equipment maintenance, rehearsal space acquisition, and even transportation of about 1000 pounds of bells, chimes, mallets, music, tables, foam, and covers to and from performance venues. If we’re performing far from home, we also have to consider transporting the members as well. The existence of a bottom line (hint, hint) means that what we do involves a resource expenditure – and that’s why we’re asking and hoping that you’ll choose to invest in our artistic endeavors.

Even a few dollars helps us accomplish our purpose. However, if you’re willing to support Kalamazoo Ringers at a higher level, we (with your permission) would like to recognize your support of the performing arts in general as well as your generosity to Kalamazoo Ringers specifically. And our 501c(3) status means that your contribution to our cause is fully tax-deductible. Even beyond that benefit, your donation makes you part of our family, and a partner is making the art of handbells accessible to people who already love it – and even more to share it with those who haven’t yet heard a handbell performance.

Sponsor     $1000 and above
Bronze     $500-$999
Copper     $250-$499
Tin     $100-$249
Friend of KR     $50-$99

So here’s how you can help to make the music of the Kalamazoo Ringers happen:

  • Give at a Kalamazoo Ringers concert. We do take freewill offerings during our programs, and you can contribute via cash or check. If we happen not to have a freewill offering at a KR concert and you’d still like to give, just find one of the members, and they’ll accept your generous gift.
  • Donate via PayPal. You can do this using your PayPal account, or with a credit card. If you want to honor/remember someone special with your gift, or if you prefer not to have your name on our public list of donors, use the “Add a Note” option on the PayPal interface to let us know. Press the button and get started!

  • Send a check. Kindly make it payable to the Kalamazoo Ringers. If your address isn’t printed on your check, kindly include it so we can send your a receipt for your tax records. If you want to honor/remember someone special with your gift, or if you want to let us know that you prefer not to have your name on our public donor list, kindly enclose a note to let us know.

    Our address:
    Kalamazoo Ringers
    P.O. Box 19182
    Kalamazoo, Michigan 49019

Copper $250+

  • Anonymous
  • Patricia Dolan

Tin $100+

  • Anonymous
  • Louise Harvey
  • Melissa Kelley
  • Gary Matthews
  • Rhonda Pardue
  • Frank & Lois Plaver
  • Laura Van Vlack

Friend of KR $50+

  • Deborah Dingwall