Kalamazoo Ringers has thrived for over forty years, with a great part of our support coming from donors who contribute from their means to keep the music going. We appreciate how so many of you have made the artistry of KR possible!
Kalamazoo Ringers is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization. Any direct donations are deductible from your income tax. A written receipt will be provided for your records.
Running a handbell ensemble of this magnitude isn’t free! Here are some of the operating costs your donations support:
- New and wonderful music. Handbell ensembles often pay a composer to produce a “commissioned piece”. These pieces are a way for us to stay at the forefront of the handbell world, and do show that what we do isn’t just the “same old stuff”. A commissioned piece can honor someone, or commemorate an event, celebrate an anniversary, or (you fill in the blank). Whatever the reason, commissioned works don’t come cheap – and that’s because they’re exciting and wonderful presentations. We’d like to be able to have some to perform for you (hint, hint: you could even make a pitch for what you might like such a piece to be about!).
- Concerts and other performances. When we perform somewhere, we have to take our bells and chimes (and music, and tables, and foam, and so much other stuff!) with us. That means renting a U-Haul to get it there and back. If we can’t get there, the concert can’t happen.
- Performance attire. Professional-level presentation of music requires a professional appearance, so KR has performance attire that looks sharp and makes it possible for you to appreciate our music without any aspect of our appearance getting in the way of that experience.
- Equipment maintenance and acquisition. We have more than ten octaves of handbells and more than seven octaves of handchimes, plus ancillary instruments (percussion, for instance). These all require periodic cleaning and upkeep, because parts wear out and that gorgeous bronze tarnishes. Also, because Kalamazoo Ringers has been one of leading handbell ensembles in the United States, we’d like to remain that way by staying up to date with the latest equipment improvements.
- Our director. Our members are all volunteers. However, we need to make our director feel appreciated and honored, so in addition to dishing out the love, we make a point of adding a little something extra to say what we mean.
- “Other.” That’s the catchall, not because no matter how many ideas we come up with, you – yes, you! – might be able to suggest something that we haven’t yet done. We’d love to hear if you have an idea, and it would be fantastic if you want to make it happen with a donation. Let us know at info@kalamazooringers.org
Here’s how you can be part of what’s happening with the Kalamazoo Ringers: